Add potted plants to brighten your indoor décor
Plants not only fill gaps but also add to the décor of your home. They are environmentally friendly, fill empty corners, clean your indoor air and you have a wide variety to choose from. In order to get the maximum fit for your décor, you need to pay attention to plants that suits the style of your home.
Indoor plants for a contemporary home: You need to enhance clean, crisp lines of contemporary homes. Plants that provides same clean look include very popular and environment friendly sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant (cleans formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and xylene), cactus, colorful bromeliads, care free paddle plant, and dracaena marginata (dragon plant). You can group these in two or three combinations to get height and coverage.
In traditional homes: Ficus trees, pothos ivy, peace lily, and Chinese evergreens are good indoor plants to decorate traditional homes. Additionally, you can also use palms such as red edged dracaena Janet Craig, kentia palms, sentry palm, lady palm, and parlor palm; ferns including Boston fern; English ivy; spider plants; and diffenbachia. These can be grouped based on height, color and coverage and mix it with few varieties to complement your indoor décor. Use urns to get the height you need.