Construction Claims Consulting
For a typical construction claims consultant, the legal paperwork involved can often be a headache. What with all sorts of building codes and dealing with disgruntled employees, there is often little time to actually do what we all want to see done, creating a new building for the enjoyment and use of our customer.
In preparing a construction claim analysis, make sure that you consult a good paper on the subject such as Types and Causes of Construction Claims by Dr. Bhatt et al. This will prepare you for environmental situations that might occur.
It is common to see legal infighting among the various engineering and business parties who participate in designing a building. Construction claim preparation requires that you be ready for different personalities of the people involved, so they do not irritate you. Having thin skin is a recipe for disaster. Set aside some money before the project beforehand to take care of any claims that might occur. An old saying by General George Washington is, “If you want peace, prepare for war.” Often times, building construction can get tied up because of the over optimism of the parties involved. Thinking like an engineer, with cold facts and money as your weapon, will prepare you for the arguments and lawsuits that could occur if something goes wrong.
In the end, if you have prepared for the possibility that you might make mistakes, it is less likely that you and those involved on the project will make mistakes. If you do end up facing claims, Lyle Charles Consulting is one firm that can help prep you for dispute resolution.