Modern use of wallpaper is more exiting
Known use of wallpaper dates back to 1400s. Over the years wallpaper has been considered as a classy way to decorate a room. At the begging only the wealthy could afford it and later it became an affordable alternative to decorate in the Europe. It became popular in the United States starting in 1930s and gone in and out of favor few times. Today use of wallpaper is rising in popularity again due to some technological advancement. How they are made and applied is different from the way we used wallpaper in 1960s and 1970s. It can add flair to a room, use as an accent feature, distract attention from wall imperfections, and can last longer than wall paint. Today wallpaper is used to enhance the flair of room in many ways.
- You can use wallpaper to add a single color to a damaged wall instead of painting.
- Add texture to a wall instead of applying textured paint.
- Use it to add geometric or other pattern to enhance the wall paint.
- Use it to add a mural effect.
- Use it to coordinate furniture into wall color.
- More and more are using it to restore historic appearance of homes.